Feasters are slender, vaguely canid creatures with an eyeless, mandible-laden face. Their skin color ranges from black to white with various drab, bluish hues in between. They are thought to locate their prey by sensing nearby concentrations of consciousness, and they feed upon the memories of their prey.
They are often found around the Umbrasia district, but occasionally out in the wilderness where they tend to favor large stretches of plains and forests. They are often feared by citizens.
Greeps are small, superficially bird-like creatures. They have a four-part mouth and wingless, fleshy body. They walk on two legs, and have no eyes or ears to speak of. They nest in the piles of garbage that end up heaped against the sides of buildings and walls.
Greeps are mostly present within the city itself, and congregate in particularly filthy areas. It's rare to find them outside the city, where they'd likely be immediately snatched up by a roving predator.
Mephitoads - sometimes called "slugpuppies" - are walrus-sized amphibians. They have four eyes, long floppy ears, and four chin barbels. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, from drab and swampy hues to garish palettes that warn nicely of the creature's toxicity. Mephitoads aren't particularly intelligent, and essentially exist to consume garbage.
Mephitoads are biologically hermaphrodites, and exchange genetic material by intertwining tentacle-like reproductive organs that emerge from a cloaca. Mephitoads live in swamps and bogs outside Nodd proper, though sometimes occupy sewers within the city.
Mephitoads are difficult to own, as they're known to consume furniture and owner alike. However, they are Viviria’s beloved symbol, and are kept as pets on the campus grounds.

Miggwitches are tall, stilt-legged deer creatures. Their legs are fleshless from the last joint to the end of their digitless limbs. This is thought to be an adaptation to the aquatic flesh-eating worms that inhabit the swampy waters of their home.
Miggwitches are very anxious and easily startled. Their diet ideally includes a type of swamp vegetation - numbell - with anesthetic properties. The anesthetic is an effect of a microorganism that lives on the plant; when consumed, the microbes find their way to the animal's mucous membranes where they then thrive.
The nocter is a small bipedal imp with a toothy snout, long arms, and a long, forked tail. The nocter only spawns when someone in Nodd dreams about them. If the dreamer awakens during a nocter dream, the nocters will manifest in Nodd's reality, usually atop the dreamer themselves.
Once spawned, nocters are compelled to harass citizens with the goal of traumatizing them enough to elicit nightmares - thus spawning more of their kind It's uncommon to meet a citizen who hasn't had at least one nocter experience, and some have them regularly.
The nocter doesn't eat, and vanishes after several sleeps in reality.

The orolisk is a small black snake with white insides. The orolisk is thought to be spawned by Pnura whenever it senses resistance to change.
The orolisk possesses the ability to take on the appearance of an inanimate object. If someone unknowingly attempts to use an object that is actually an orolisk, they will themselves turn into the object, and the orolisk will run free.
Orolisks are mainly found within the Morphoria citadel, but may slither their way out into various parts of the city, where they wait for unsuspecting citizens to fall for their various disguises.
Querils are small, colorful, flightless birds. In place of wings, they have long black quills. The tail of a queril is a cluster of tentacles, each one densely feathered. On each tip is a tufted plume from which hallucinogenic dust is produced.
Querils are capable of speech, but only seem able to ask questions. Querils are the cherished symbol of the Psilysium house.

Sletchers are large, eyeless, earless, hairless, dog-like creatures. They often have spines and sagging pink or reddish flesh that superficially appears as exposed muscle tissue. Their skin is often tattooed or pierced, and elaborately decorated with straps and lace.
They are said to be highly sensitive creatures, and perceive mostly through sense of touch. Despite lacking eyes and ears, they seem to have an analogous sense of objects in space through the ability to detect vibration, changes in temperature and air pressure.
Sletchers are intelligent, social animals. They do not vocalize, but instead communicate by "chattering" - rapidly clacking their teeth together. They tend to enjoy the attention and company of their owners - particularly of an intimate nature.
Spooks are small constructs that vaguely resemble birds. Spooks can be found heavily in House Omnillian, and within the Council Spire in general. There are a number of units, each with their own purpose.
The squall is known for its shriek, known as “Squall of the Void”. This sound will cause prey to become complacent if not inviting of death, allowing the beast to more easily overpower them.
Squalls occupy the plains outside the City of Nodd. The squall is a carnivore, and eats virtually anything it can catch - including any citizens that wander far from the city’s gates.
Squalls are the cherished familiar of House Umbrasia, and their wails echo through the pallid halls of the citadel.
The chokebulb is a plant comprised of a central body with a main appendage extending from the time, with a series of thinner, thorned ones extending from around the bottom portion of the central body. The chokebulb grabs onto any nearby prey it senses in an attempt to asphyxiate the victim.
Cinderbean is a sweet and spicy bean used to make drinks, or often ground into a paste as a filling for pastries.
Cinderspice cookies are considered a particularly delicious snack made with this flavorful bean.
Devilmint is a reddish, spade-shaped herb that, when consumed, inspires feelings of mischief. Pranks and vandalism often follow consumption.
It can be chewed, smoked, or made into a tea. Its flavor is something along the lines of spearmint, cinnamon, and black pepper.
Gutter cabbage refers to a mildly hallucinogenic pink moss that tends to grow in gutters, ditches, in fountains and wells, and on waterspouts. Most describe it as having a foul, bitter, unpalatable taste. In addition, it causes vertigo and nausea that render it uninteresting to nearly any drug user who can afford better.
A black, lumpy, thorny fruit with bright green insides and purple seeds. The taste is sweet and often quite sour.
The kissing lily is an aptly named vine whose structure ends in four large, slimy petals. The plant gives off an alluring, if not downright irresistible, scent that attempts to lure anything living nearby even closer.
Once within range the lily slowly approaches the most prominent thing in range and darts forwards, the four petals closing to secure it in place with a surprisingly strong grip! Once secured, the lily begins a rather animated effort that results in its name - during the process of which it deposits a series of large, oblong seeds into the victim.
The kudzu is a cluster of vines that takes the shape of various creatures in order to feed. The kudzu remains as an amorphous tangle of vines until prey is spotted. It then forms itself into a shape that roughly matches that of its victim.
Kudzu are found in dense forests where they easily blend into their surroundings. They occasionally creep their way into the city, where they lie in wait among flower beds and gardens. Kudzu are feared among citizens, and some become paranoid of any thorny vine for fear it might attack them.
The milksuckle is a plant comprised of a series of tentacle-like parts that seem to form a singular organism at the base, possibly also having some underground shared structure.
Despite the pleasant sounding names the milksuckle is beyond ravenous and will readily drain any and all fluid from anything it can latch onto.
Pfoff is a plant that grows in clumps around the city during the Melanus season. It's most notable for its hair-like fibers covered in a sweet, sticky sap. It's usually harvested and used in confections, but may be dried and used ornamentally on occasion. It's also considered an aphrodisiac, and can cause priapism if consumed in excess.
A pink and purple berry that grows in sagging, tumor-like clusters from blue branches. Sweet, floral, and a bit musky in taste. Used often in drinks.
The sludgewort is a plant commonly found in wetlands such as the Grotmire. It traps its host between a pair of fleshy leaves, and uses a feeder tentacle to pump its stomach full of a special laxative and nutrient slurry, along with a clutch of hard-shelled seeds. From there, the host will be released to spread the seeds and fertilizer by means of an explosive bowel movement.
An orange and purple vegetable that primarily grows in places that harbor feelings of neglect or abandonment. Due to this, it grows in abundance in the time leading up to the Pruning, when buildings are most keenly aware of their impending fate.
Slumpkin is often used to make pies or seasonal drinks.
The smoghorn tends to grow in clusters of vaguely funnel shaped stalks, each of which emits a hazy, moist substance that acts as a shockingly powerful aphrodisiac. While some might think it would make this plant both popular and desirable, it is so potent that most who inhale the fumes are sent into immediate spasms of almost painfully intense climax.
The snatcher has a large, central base, and several strong, claw-like vines that will grab onto anything it can reach. The upper portion is comprised of three long, petal-like protrusions that form a vaguely serrated "mouth" of sorts. Prey is dropped within this where they are crushed, chewed, and otherwise rendered into nutrients for the plant.
The snodwillow consists of a large, central stalk that extends up from the ground and then sags back down where it remains suspended. From that portion of the plant a number of smaller tendril-like appendages spill forth, each of which are surprisingly dextrous and strong. The snodwillow's appendages excrete an extremely sticky, corrosive substance that both captures and digests its prey in a rather horrific fashion.
The tailpoke is a plant that grows in clusters of oddly-angled pods. When disturbed, generally by creatures walking through a patch, a pressurized sac beneath pod erupts and sends the upper portion of the plant directly upwards with remarkable force. While too blunt to typically cause direct injury, their slimy bulbs have a tendency to end up lodged in any available orifice.
The base is covered in a sticky sap that acts as a sealant of sorts, preventing easy removal as the pods then eject large volumes of seeds into the victim.
The vrugg is an enigmatic plant abomination that generally lays flat along the surface of the ground. When it senses nearby potential prey, however, it lifts up like an opening mouth to reveal a potently hypnotic eye.
Should one make eye contact with a vrugg's eye, they will see their most carnal desires beckoning them towards it with almost irresistible allure. When close enough, the vrugg's prey will be swiftly swallowed into a subterranean 'stomach' where it will digest them into nutrients.
Though a vrugg's eye loses some of its hypnotic potency after death, they are still strong enough to practically debilitate someone with pleasure and arousal after even only a brief gaze, making them frequently sought after for both hedonism and more sinister uses.

Widow's Tale is a small, black, tear-shaped berry that grows in clusters on vines. Consumption tends to cause feelings of overwhelming sorrow and uncontrollable crying.
It is frequently fermented to make Blackwine, a drink known for its depressing qualities.
A slug that burrows into the brain of its host, leading them to its queen to be used as an eggsac. Some mages use the parasite for mind control, enchanting the creatures with belief before releasing them into the city. When used for commercial purposes, addleworms are referred to as “adworms”.
A glowing pink slug that invades genitals and induces overpowering sexual arousal. Commonly employed as an aphrodisiac, and adored by House Vorn.
A thin, black worm that burrows into the veins of its host where it deposits dozens of tiny eggs. This is said to be an excruciatingly painful experience, and the worm is often favored by stimulists as a result.
A parasite that infests and feeds on abandoned buildings. Moderately large and generally aggressive, a swarm can easily overpower the average citizen, where they will then collectively drain them of fluids.
A bug that produces the effects of the spell Coddle. Once immobilized by feelings of comfort, dozens of coddlebugs swarm and eat their prey alive. May also be kept as a solitary pet in a container for anxiety/stress relief.
A large eel-like worm that lays eggs in its host’s stomach while clinging to the victim's jaws with its anchor-like mandibles. The hatched larvae will exit through the host’s mouth by inducing vomiting.
Tiny, bioluminescent parasites; very pretty, but very itchy. Everyone has them (unless you're a Quelshy). Most are green; the rarer purple ones are considered good luck.
A harmless house pest whose dust induces vivid dreams. Also known as "pillowdusters" due to their tendency to crawl across pillows and leave a trail of dust behind.
A tiny fly whose painless bite induces a temporary fugue state. Most victims don’t notice until several sleeps later, when they’re unable to account for the missing time, or recall how they got where they are.
A large, armored worm with powerful mandibles. Known for crawling up pantlegs and under bedsheets and chewing off genitals.
A large worm that injects potent digestive fluids into its prey’s belly before sucking the resulting soup of liquefied organs out. The worm wraps tightly around its victim during the process, making escape unlikely.
A worm that gorges itself on the fluids of anything it comes in contact with. Sometimes used to draw out toxins, and served in bars as “bug shots”. It’s encouraged to spit out the heads when consuming, as they’re capable of causing damage once swallowed.
A large parasitic worm that burrows into its host's stomach where it secretes an appetite stimulant. Incoming food is intercepted by the worm, sustaining it and starving the host.
Small, meat-eating worms. Generally found in garbage heaps and on corpses. The Abattoir is constantly infested with them, and many end up processed alongside the meat.
A large wasp that injects its eggs into the heart of its victim through a stinger-like ovipositor. The males are much smaller and harmless - though their presence usually indicate nearby females.
Clutches to its host and feeds its long ovipositor into their urethra, vagina, anus, or nipples, which they then fill with countless eggs. The eggs hatch into larval slugs, which harmlessly exit the host’s orifices.
A relatively small, harmless house pest that scuttles along the walls and floors of poorly-kept chambers. Generally unseen until nighttime, and usually only encountered indoors.
A pale slug that relies on milk and cum as sustenance. Will seek out the genitals or nipples of its host and latch on, at which point it produces a slippery mucus, making it difficult to get ahold of, much less remove.
A parasitic slug that inserts feeding tentacles into its victim’s ears where it snips away at their brain. Often this is not sufficient to kill the host, but enough to leave them with significant damage.
A small flying creature whose bite causes temporary numbness. Depending on the size difference, a single bite may render an entire creature numb from snout to tailtip. Sometimes used for minor medical procedures and kink play.
A large, transparent slug that swallows prey whole. Slow-moving, but its sticky flesh makes it nearly impossible to escape once it’s made contact.
A small, glowing slug. Extremely common throughout the city, and generally considered harmless. Not inherently invasive, but will willingly squeeze itself into tight crevices when left with no other option, making it a fun addition to kink play.
An aggressive, carnivorous beetle that is generally seen in small, fast-moving swarms. Its bite can sever fingers.
A bioluminescent, detritus-loving organism that putters along the ground. Often employed as a living vacuum cleaner and nightlight within one’s chambers, but can also be seen on the streets of the city, tending to the buildup of grime.
Invades the brain, causing the host to only ask the same riddle until solved. Once solved, the riddlewig leaves to find another host.
Engulfs the host's dick and secretes transformation-inducing fluids. The sheather then becomes the head of a new creature, making the host’s original head the creature’s dick.
A slug that invades orifices by the dozens and leaves behind hundreds of eggs. It also secrets a substance which subdues its host, forcing upon them a willingness to endure the infestation process and a desire to care for the eggs. Once hatched, the larvae don’t leave the host until fully grown.
A slug with edible flesh that can be found on most menus in Nodd. Capable of biting, but relatively docile and lacks both venom and arcane effects.
Engulfs its prey's head and creates a hole in the skull through which it sucks out their brain. Generally encountered in swamps where it floats atop the water like a lily pad.
The larval form burrows through its hosts flesh and affixes itself to their spine. From here, it rapidly transforms its host into a hybrid insectoid abomination, which will produce more larvae to seek out new hosts.
Small white worms that aggressively invade any orifice. Prefer to live within the body where they rapidly reproduce, putting their host’s anatomy to the test as they’re forced to swell around thousands of worms and eggs.
An aggressive, territorial wasp with delirium-inducing venom. The resulting madness, while brief, is said to be highly distressing, and being stung once is enough for a citizen to avoid the creature at all costs - unless you’re in Psilysium, where it may instead be treated as a challenge.
A harmless, glowing fly that can be seen in the city at night. It’s said that if one lands on you while you’re worrying about something, the worry is likely to come true.
A sizeable slug that burrows into the uterus, scrotum, or intestines where it fuses to its host. Self-fertilized eggs develop and grow before being laid by the host through the relevant orifice.
A small, beaked slug that produces a wracking jolt of electric current when provoked. A favorite choice of stimulists.
A small, biting fly. Common both in and outside the city - and an extreme annoyance to most citizens.