Welcome to the City of Nodd.
The labyrinthine streets before you are brimming with beasts of all shapes and sizes. Their otherworldly gurgles and groans fill your ears, and their reek fills your snout.
Sinister towers silently loom, their windows like eyes of something hungry and cruel. As strangers enter buildings through toothy maw-shaped doors, you can’t help but wonder if they’ll be coming back out again.
Strangely, the city itself doesn’t look entirely constructed, but rather grown - chitinous architecture appears to have erupted from fleshy ground. A shopkeep lances a boil on the wall outside her front door. You could swear having seen the building wince, ever so slightly.
Dirty, glass-covered walkways span between buildings, and warped bridges arch over sickly canals. The same putrid liquid gurgles from the fanged mouths of grotesque fountains. These are surrounded by bizarre gardens of nightmarish plants, whose ill-pruned tendrils choke anything nearby - perhaps in a literal sense, if the vine-wrapped corpse you just passed is any indication.
It’s dark, and hard to discern the time of day; the sky is a vile green, boiling with clouds. It’s humid, and moisture seems to cling to buildings and people alike. Steam billows from grates underfoot, and a luminous haze of arcane smoke seems to hang in the air. The glow of lamps and signs pierce the murky gloom.
Tents, carts, and kiosks line the streets; beggars, buskers, performers, vendors of all colors and flavors and smells peddle their wares and services. In some cases it’s hard to tell what’s being sold. The windows of shops and restaurants are all densely festooned with anything that might draw one inside.
The smells are palpable. Each passage seems to assault one’s senses in a new way - strange musks, the scent of bizarre cuisine, otherworldly drugs, blood, death, filth.
Carriages pulled by immense, deer-like abominations known as miggwitches can be seen. The beasts, despite their docile nature, appear to have reins attached to their genitalia.
Similar sadistic indulgences can be seen all around. A well-adorned (and well-fed) creature on a palanquin hauled by servants passes by. Someone is walking someone else on all fours with a leash. Someone is picked up by their neck scruff and dropped into the toothy maw of something much bigger.
In every direction, the city throbs with dark desire; everywhere you look, the city hungers.